Strong body!
Body that can spring up.
Body that can curl and fold softly down,
Wriggle into my lover’s pit,
Hold both she and I up with one arm
Doing what I please with the other.
2. Music.
The intimacy of rhythm as union
Melodies that unbind these ropes
Rerender them rescue cords
When I sing them
Friends known and not yet known
Feel me in each flourish and tug
Chords like an ancient wind
Insistent suspensions
Whistling breath skittering
Across some porous surface
End the throaty vibrations of some
Subterranean sleeper.
3. Land
where even or especially
The aroma of detritus ~
Decomposing leaves
Decaying fruit
The spit of gorgeous worms
~ where death and waste are
Merely making musty microbial musk
The scent of a rich soil bed
Calling for creepers and pigeons and
All souls to
~ lapping, rushing
Cooling, cleansing
Rivers I can drift along.
Waves that are real doms
Dragging, pummelling, flipping me over
Bathing, being bathed
I love holding myself
In water in candlelight,
Golden beads of liquid travelling
Magma over steaming flesh terrain.
And I, you and she, she and them
We and he, he and them
And she and you
We meet through the recognition of
A shared struggle against the waste of greed
The absurdity of capital
(The connection destroyer)
The promise of a borderless world if only
We were simply truthful with each other